A group exhibition by Charlie Quezada, Yiyo Tirado, Mélissa Raymond & René Sandín.
Presented at galería Kilómetro in San Juan, Puerto Rico, July 2024.

“The works in this exhibition present the self-reflective and critical sensitivity that is nourished by the painters’ own experience, time and space. They use various strategies, including recycling, citation, appropriation, but also research with various codes and references, for example, architecture, construction, the urban and even identity, etc., as well as experimentation with the materials. Its contents through shapes, colors, and materiality account for the diversity of spaces to which they refer.

The modern vocabulary has already been assimilated by the artists of this exhibition. However, theirs is another vocabulary, which brings to the surface diverse concerns, reflections on the social and cultural, and even issues of identity. They define their own distinctive time and place of enunciation.”  

- Excerpt of text by Julio Suárez

“In the opposite direction to an artificial structure built to look at a natural space, the viewpoint proposed by Charlie Quezada, Yiyo Tirado-Rivera, Mélissa Raymond & René Sandín, reveals a search to change the helm of what we recognize as abstraction and put a stop to the obsessive cult for the image in which the viewer sadly nods with his head the chewed content that happens in exacerbation with the figuration.”

- Excerpt of text by Karlo Andrei Ibarra

Miradero installation view, galería Kilómetro

Miradero installation view, galería Kilómetro

Form Over Function I (2024)

Form Over Function I (2024)

Miradero installation views, galería Kilómetro

From the series “Utility” (2024)

A Study of Free but Associated Forms I & II (2024)